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Join Illinois MGMA!

Invest in your career. Invest in the future of Illinois Healthcare.

    Individual - $125

Membership qualifications:

  • An individual who is directly employed in management or administrative support services by an entity formally organized to provide or facilitate the provision of healthcare services.
  • An individual employed by a management organization, hospital/hospital system, practice management firm or other business entity responsible for managing any operational component(s) of an entity providing healthcare services. This includes consultants who are responsible for operations of one or more practices on an ongoing basis.
  • Healthcare providers/clinicians who hold an active license in the state of Illinois are also considered active members.


    Organizational - $2300

We offer a group membership for practices that have multiple members who want to join from the same organization. 

Membership qualifications:

Individuals who work for a medical group practice (whether independent or a practice that is part of a larger medical/health system). In addition to the benefits afforded to our other membership categories, organizational members receive the following benefits:

  • Up to 50 individual members from your organization

  • Discounts on conference attendance rates


     Business Affiliate - $350

Membership qualifications:

An individual employed by an organization that provides services as a vendor to medical group practices, or any individual who does not meet the requirements for active membership, but who subscribes to the purposes and activities of the Association. 


Student - Complimentary

Membership qualifications:

An individual who is pursuing a healthcare or business-related degree at an accredited institution of higher learning and does not qualify for any other member category. Please note that Student Members must be prepared to provide an unofficial transcript in order to confirm enrollment.



Dual Membership (Learn more about this membership level)

Membership qualifications:

  • An individual who qualifies as a "Individual" member at the State Level and an "Individual" at the MGMA National organization.
  • Is directly employed in management or administrative support services by a healthcare entity
  • Any business entity responsible for managing any operational components of an entity that provides healthcare services
  • Healthcare providers/clinicians who hold an active medical license


If you are unable to complete an online application, please contact your Illinois Administrator at main@ilmgma.comIf you have any questions about joining Illinois MGMA, please contact the Illinois Adminstrator at or by phone at 608-481-1157.